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The varied career of this simple shop of the late 19th century makes it typical of small-town commercial premises in New Zealand.

Category: Commercial Buildings
Date: About 1888
Street Address: 65 Beach Road
HPT registered? No
District Plan Listed? Yes

This is one of the older shops of the line of commercial premises along Beach Road which face the harbour. It was built probably soon after 1888 and probably as a butcher’s shop.

At different times later in its life it was a grocery store, a shoe store, a home, a boat-hire premises, a TAB (betting shop), a gift shop, a wine shop and a real-estate agency. This varied career is typical of commercial premises in small New Zealand towns.

 It is a simple gable-ended building, built parallel to the street with a verandah over the footpath. Exactly which features of the building are original or early is unclear, but older features include the rusticated weatherboards and some of the windows.






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